Online Pilates Class live through Zoom
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See AllPilates’ rehabilitative exercises helps to strengthen your core which helps to support your back and relieve general aches and pains.
Ellen Vandyck ...."The Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA) recommends performing weighted lunges, hip abduction and addiction,...
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Hi Rebecca. I am still very limited in my movement, unable to stand for long periods and cannot lie down other than on my back at present to keep the leg straight. Some exercises via email would be really helpful, but as soon as I am able I would love some one to one sessions. Please send me your bank details so I can do a bank transfer for any payments. Many thanks Faye x
Hi Faye So nice time hear from you. Did the surgery went ok? if you would like we could do a one to one upper body exercises, if you have theraband or light weights ? Obviously online through Zoom? We could do an hour for £20 It will be a mix of standing , side lying ,sitting prone and supine lying so still need a mat, Otherwise I can also email you some exercises you can follow at home?
Hello rebecca. I would love to do some upper body pilates as I am feeling very unfit after surgery. Any help gratefully accepted x